
mensa book list

“We owe it to each other to tell stories.” ~ Neil Gaiman

Each one of us has a worthwhile story to tell. Mensa celebrates this fact and invites you to share your story. Join the Mensa conversation by clicking on one of the links below.

Let us know your favourite book and wine pairing using the hashtag #mensabooklist and #liveagreatstory and we will add it to our list.

Mensa Library

Mensa Cabernet Sauvignon paired with Shame on You (by Amy Heydenrych)
I chose to pair my novel, Shame on You, with the Cabernet Sauvignon, as both are deliciously dark. Like the wine, my book has many layers to it, that reveal themselves to you the more you go on. The Cabernet Sauvignon conjures up a cozy night spent curled up on the couch reading, with a decadent treat such as a dark chocolate brownie or a bowl of roasted nuts nearby. Both the book and the wine are even better when shared with a friend!

Hayley Malan paired Mensa Chardonnay Pinot Noir with 5 Love Languages (by Gary Chapman)
Was trying to find something balanced, just like the Chardonnay Pinot Noir which has zesty punches as well as berry tones. Then I thought of the 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman.

Annas Dumpling paired Mensa Sauvignon Blanc with On Route In South Africa
Just perfect to wash down your thirsty throat on a road trip.

Through my wine glass paired Mensa Sauvignon Blanc with Adventures of a Fairytale
The wine reminds me of summer with its tropical notes, its crisp with medium acidity and really easy drinking.

Melissa Javan paired Mensa Sauvignon Blanc with Hy Kom Met Die Skoenlappers (by Valda Jansen)
Another Sauvignon Blanc special of Mensa wine: Hy Kom Met Die Skoenlappers - Valda Jansen. Very intriguing book, sad and a surprising ending.

Melissa Javan paired Mensa Sauvignon Blanc with a book by Vusi Thembekwayo
It's an inspirational book, gives me hope. Fruity and woody taste.

Lia Marus paired Mensa wine with the Twilight series
Call me a sucker for young adult fiction, but I would pair this with the Twilight series. This series was a bit of an addiction for me, keeping me wanting more, and this wine reminds me of it.

AverageSA Blog paired Mensa Sauvignon Blanc with books about tennis player Rafa Nadal
My life as told in books & amp; wine - when I’m in a sporty mood the Mensa wine Sauvignon Blanc & amp; books about my favourite tennis player Rafa Nadal is always a great way to spend my afternoons. Both are epic thrillers a perfect match!

SA Vine Share paired Mensa Sauvignon Blanc with Wit and Wisdom of Discworld (by Terry Pratchett)
I am pairing the fruitiness of the Sauvignon Blanc with some ‘Wit and Wisdom of Discworld’ by Terry Pratchett.

SA Jono Le Feuvre paired Mensa Sauvignon Blanc with a Sweet Valley High book
This bottle has more summer flair than a Sweet Valley High book!

Just Janet paired Mensa Chardonnay Pinot Noir with books by Marian Keyes
So 2nd up is the Chard/Pinot blend - with citrus & strawberry flavours. I think it's a real chick wine & so I'd pair it with a chickflick novel like one from Marian Keyes - so funny, witty, light-hearted. Easy-reading/drinking.

Melissa Javan paired Mensa Chardonnay Pinot Noir with Soweto Under An Apricot Tree (by Nic Mhlongo's )
I love the variety of the short stories in here and interesting! Pairing it with my Chardonnay.

Marlize Stander paired Mensa Cabernet Sauvignon with books by James Patterson
I love a lekker MURDER mystery! My mind can switch off at night with a James Patterson (or Kathy Reichs / Karen Slaughter / Ian Rankin etc). I need a bold & brave RED with that! Mensa wine CAB hits that spot so well!

Through the wine paired Mensa Cabernet Sauvignon with Shame on You (by Amy Heydenrych)
We actually chose the same wine with the same book! Author Amy Heydenrych's Shame On You with the Mensa wine Cabernet Sauvignon. On fleek!

Average SA blog paired Mensa Cabernet Sauvignon with First Things First (by Stephen R. Covey)
My life as told in books & wine -For days when I’m in full on work mode,a good inspiring read always goes well with Mensa wine Cabernet Sauvignon- for those intense life moments when self-help & focus is key.

Annas Dumpling paired Mensa Chardonnay Pinot Noir with The Alchemist (by Stephen R. Covey)
On to the next beauty. The Chardonnay Pinot Noir deserved to be paired with a classic and a beaut in the book world. The Alchemist is exotic and stunning and there is a hint of magic. So the two fit like a glove. What do you think?

The Wine Aficionado paired Mensa Chardonnay Pinot Noir with books by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
I paired my Mensa wine with one of my favorite authors, it’s one of the most insightful and enlightening books I’ve read. Not only did it pull my heart strings but I learnt so much from it about being a black woman.

Through my wine glass paired Mensa Chardonnay Pinot Noir with Everything you wanted to know about wine
The wine is delicious with a red berry notes & I'm obviously obsessed with the the helix twist and open so no need 2 worry about chapter24

Marlize Stander paired Mensa Cabernet Sauvignon with Hard Places(by Alex Harris)
Heart & mind engagement is needed for 'Rocks & Hard Places' by Alex Harris. Intensity of this journey pairs well with Mensa wine Cab.

Melissa Javan paired Mensa Cabernet Sauvignon with The Ones with Purpose (by Nozizwe Cynthia Jele)
The dark and spicy Cabaret of @mensa_wine is paired with my book "The Ones With Purpose" by South African author @JeleCynthia. The book is about losing a family member to cancer, also families coming together.

Hayley Malan paired Mensa Cabernet Sauvignon with Girl Boss (by Sophia Amaruso)
This wine reminded me of something that means business! I’ve paired the Mensa Cabernet Sauvignon with Sophia Amaruso’s Girl Boss. Like the wine, Sophia is bold, focused, strong and stylish! Basically a badass like the wine!

Caroline v Schalkwyk paired Mensa Sauvignon Blanc with Caviar (by Inga Saffron)
For days when you need some historical perspective on sustainability!

Jono Le Feuvre paired Mensa Chardonnay Pinot Noir with Graphic Novel (by Frank miller)
This Mensa Chardonnay Pinot Noir reminds of a Frank Miller graphic novel; entertaining in its own right, but elevated to another level by a lovely splash of pink.

Jozi Food Whore paired Mensa Sauvignon Blanc with The Night Circus (by Erin Morgenstern)
For round 2, Though it's hardly light or vapid, it's playful & imaginative and "makes me happy", as one review says. Much like the lovely Mensa Sauvignon Blanc.

Jozi Food Whore paired Mensa Cabernet Sauvignon with Cloud Atlas (by David Mitchell)
Kicking it off with 1 of my BEST books of all time! David Mitchell's Cloud Atlas. It may leave you dazed as you start but keep going. Amazing! Pairing it w the @mensa_wine Cab Sauv cause both are intense "dark" & "spicy" notes

Whisky of the Week paired Mensa Chardonnay Pinot Noir with A brief history of nearly everything (by Bill Bryson)
My pairing suggestion for the Chardonnay Pinot Noir is ‘A brief history of Nearly everything ‘. From Bill Bryson

Throughmywineglass paired Mensa Cabernet Sauvignon with Shame on you (by Amy Heydenrych)
Join the ultimate book club. Author @AmyHeydenrych ,1 of @mailandguardian 2018 Top 200 Young South Africans has set the ball rolling by pairing Mensa Cabernet Sauvignon with her latest book #ShameOnYou What's yours?

Average SA Blog paired Mensa Chardonnay Pinot Noir with Born a Crime and other stories (by Trevor Noah)
My life as told in books & wine - what would life be without a little light heartedness - Trevor & a crisp @mensa_wine Chardonnay = supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. Joy in a book and joy in a glass

AverageSA Blog paired Mensa Sauvignon Blanc with Open - An Autobiography (by Andre Agassi), paired Mensa Sauvignon Blanc with Rafa My Story (by Rafael Nadal and paired Mensa Cabernet Sauvignon with First things First (Stephen R Covey) and paired Mensa Chardonnay Pinot Noir with Born a crime and other stories (by Trevor Noah)
My life in books and wine, hope you guys got to know me a little better. Enjoy the reads Tennis = Sauvignon Blanc Work = Cabernet Sauvignon Laughter = Chardonnay

What is Mensa reading this month?



A cold case for Captain Benny Griessel and Vaughn Cupido of the Hawks – not what they were looking for. And a difficult case too, surrounded by mystery, lies and evasion. The body of Johnson Johnson, ex-cop, has been found by the side of a railway line. He appears to have jumped from the world’s most luxurious train, and two suspicious characters seen with him have disappeared into thin air. The regular police have already failed to make progress and others are intent on muddying the waters.

Meanwhile in Bordeaux, Daniel Darret is settled in a new life on a different continent. But his skills as an international hit-man are required one more time, and Daniel is given no choice in the matter. He must hunt again – his prey the corrupt president of his homeland.

Two strands of the same story become a race against time – for the Hawks to stop the assassination, for Daniel to evade the relentless Russian agents tracking him, for Benny Griessel to survive long enough to finally ask Alexa Bernard to marry him . . .

Author Biography

Deon Meyer is a South African crime fiction author and screenwriter. His books are translated into 27 languages world-wide. A former journalist, advertising copywriter, Internet manager and brand strategist, Deon has published thirteen novels and two short story collections.

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